
Welcome to the Neighbourhood – Downtown Dubai

  • March 18, 2018
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Anna: please tell us about your family?

I moved to Dubai 17 years ago for work, and apart from a short stint in Hong Kong in 2001, I have lived in Dubai ever since. My husband Arne and I have lived in Old Town Island near Souk Al Bahar for the last 10 years, and despite our friends thinking we are crazy for not moving into a Jumeirah villa since the arrival of our daughter Eva 18 months ago, our current home will more then likely be our Dubai ‘forever home’ (however long that me be!).


You live in Downtown Dubai, what would you recommend about it?

It’s the only place I have lived in Dubai that feels like a community. From the security guards, to The Palace Hotel concierge, to the Spinneys staff – there’s always a bit of friendly banter and acknowledgement if we have been away for more then a couple of days. We have found the transition from being a couple to a family really easy; It is a 5 minute walk for us to deliver Eva to Blossom nursery, while the Burj park is the ultimate toddler hang out and the proximity to the mall means that a summer stuck in Dubai is not nearly as painful as it could be.

 What are your favourite spots within walking distance? Cafes, restaurants etc

Both my husband and I have our own companies so we don’t tend to get out as often as we should.  However we typically pass by Baker & Spice most days for fresh bread and Tolosa in Souk Al Bahar has become a recent favourite with it’s excellent, well priced simple french food and because its so accommodating of children, while still feeling like a ‘grown up’ restaurant. 

You are the co-founder of Little Majlis, please tell us  more about the company and where to find you?

I founded littlemajlis.com with ex colleague and good friend, Annabelle Fitzsimmons almost 4 years ago. We were witnessing a growing underground scene of talented creatives who didn’t have the time, funds or know how to cost effectively and legally operate and grow their local creative brand.  So without too much thinking we acted on a gut feeling and launched Little Majlis is an online creative community and shopping platform for independent Gulf-based makers and small scale merchants of ‘hard to find’ things, to set up their own e-commerce shop, making their unique products readily available to consumers.

We also have an in-house collection of Made in UAE gifts and souvenirs, that originally started off as a marketing tool but has organically started to take on a bigger part of our business activities. You can currently shop online, as well as find a capsule collection of our in-house brand at Eldiar in Marina Mall, Abu Dhabi and life’n’one cafe Jumeirah. We have just had a sell out success at Abu Dhabi Art and are negotiating new physical locations. 

Finally, what advice would you give to someone looking to rent in Dubai?

It’s been a long time since we rented in Dubai.  However considering travel distances from your chosen neighbourhood to work and the activities you enjoy would be high on the list.  Working from home has meant that we don’t need to use the car at all because literally everything is on our doorstep; it also means we don’t have to consider tackling peak hour traffic if we want to go to nursery, the park, the mall or out for dinner.  The only thing that would be nice to have closer is the beach, but in reality it is only a 10m drive to Mercato beach so it’s not too much of a compromise. 

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